Viewer discretion is advised.



Mature content including nudity and inappropriate language.


All present are considered to be over the age of 18 legally spiritually and actually are considered adults capable of giving an informed and understood consent, so say we all.

Our bodies are sacred not something to be scared of.

Safely and with purpose do we proceed.

Expressing caution and complete honesty.

Naked as we were the day we were born to this world.

Accepting, trusting, and open to understanding that which is unbeknownst to us.

Sharing this space together where everything and everyone has a place.

Peaceful and harmonious we embark upon this consensual journey together in exploration of one another, each other, and ourselves.

We lay ourselves bare and vulnerable though we can trust that we are safe and respected.

Accepting responsibility to be mindful, for the awareness we must have, and that we are bound to uphold.

Maintaining these traditions honorably without exceptions, manipulations, or concealment.

We proceed gently with kindness and with honorable intent for the purpose, exploration as well as the education and understanding of intimacy.

As well as our interactions with intimacy.


Viewer discretion is advised.